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Kurzweil Vrhunski synthovi za vrhunske muzičare

Alati tema Display Modes
Star 13.03.2012, 16:23   #1
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baltik79's Avatar
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Instrumenti: Korg Pa4X i Kurzweil PC3K6
Interesi: Pjevanje i sviranje
baltik79 befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
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Standard Kurzweil PC3K6_Pitanja za podrsku

Ovu temu pokrecem da bi svi koji imamo navedeni sint prikupili informacije o eventualnim propustima u operativnom sistemu i poslali zahtjev za Update OS-a.
1) Vec sam negdje spominjao da se terce koje se transponuju sada prave u Setup modu preko 16 Zona a ne kao do sada u Program modu preko 32 Layera sto je duplo vise. Znaci, trebaju ili vratiti prosli sistem ili napucati duplo vise Zona u Setup modu.

2) Jos jedna stvar bitna:
U Setup modu kada pravim terce preko Zona, na FX opciji nudi mi 8 polja za efekte ali mogu iskoristiti samo 5,ostala 3 nemogu ili moram prva tri iskljuciti. Pa mi je palo na pamet da u opcijama AUXFX1 i AUXFX2 dodam isti efekat i popunim ona polja sto nisam mogao u FX opciji.To uspijem ali efekat ne startuje odmah vec djelic sekunde poslije. Dali se neko uspio izboriti sa tim ili je to propust u OS-u.

Pisite i vi svoja zapazanja, ili ako neko ima rjesenje za ovakve probleme. Kada prikupimo nekoliko pitanja zamolicemo nekog ko dobro "Barata" sa engleskim da nam prevede pa da posaljemo upravi za podrsku.
Evo, kao da su me culi, izasao novi OS za PC3K serije Kurwzeil-a. Verzija je v2.10 i moze se skinuti regularno sa Kurzweil-ovog sajta. Tek sam skinuo na racunar pa cu vidjeti sta je novo. Na prvu ima novih efekata ubacenih, semplova koji su kompaktibilni sa K2661, nesto Setup-a, programskih Sound-ova...Ako je neko vec ubacivao nek napise...Ali mislim da nisu doradjivali nista vezano za Zone u Setup modu.
Evo dopuna na novoj verziji:

OS Version 2.10 Release Notes

CAUTIONS: Content created with v2 is not backwards compatible to older v1 software versions (exception = .MID files). Content created with a PC3K older than v2 is of course forward compatible with v2.
A warning message is now displayed if one attempts to save over a Setup currently in use as the current Control Setup. This has been added in an attempt to help avert unwanted changes to the ControlSetup (an advanced application). Fixes/Improvements:
  • CH/PRG - Zone 'Out' was not working properly if zone X was not using channel X.
  • CH/PRG - zones with 'Destination: MIDI' were still expanding programs locally.
  • CH/PRG - 'Destination' now allows a setting of NONE.
  • CH/PRG - certain programs, when edited from inside a setup, were displaying layer count of Zone 1/0.
  • KEYVEL - Notemaps 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 now working properly.
  • ARP1 - Shift Amount now starting on the correct note.
  • ARP1 - when attempting to delete a ROM Velocity pattern it was taking you to the Shift Pattern editor.
  • ARP2 - Latched modes (add, arpeg, overplay) now respect the zone's Notemap.
  • ARP2 - using Arp Latch the zone mute status was getting changed to Mute. There were notes triggering on channel 16.
  • SWPRG3/4 - in some cases, PROGRAM 3 button was also executing the assignments for the PROGRAM 4 button.
  • DELETE: the Save screen was displaying after deleting an edited, user setup.
  • COMMON - With 'Mutes: Zone Mutes', the KB3 button LED status now properly reflects the bank mode buttons control (mute) of zones 1-8 vs 9-16.
  • Buffer overrun would occur when Velocity Pattern is assigned to a controller and the Master Display is set to Controllers.
  • The Record button no longer does anything in Setup Edit Mode.
  • Proper updating of Tempo value while on the Tap Tempo page now occurs if tempo is being modified by controller destination 'TapTempo'.
  • Improved handling of exiting from Utils in Setup Edit mode (screen was displaying garbage instead of the current selected setup values).
  • KB3 zone - sliders continue working properly regardless of the status of the "KB3Mutes" controller destination.
  • Some setup zones were erroneously sending MIDI cc#9 and cc#12 upon exit (carry over from old PC2 compatibility).
  • FX Inserts were not properly loading when using the 'GotoProg' destination.
  • Setup #128 Default Setup - changed SyncType on ARP2 page to AnyBeat.

Monophonic programs with portamento notes now keep gliding when sustained by the sustain pedal. Fixes/Improvements:
  • KEYMAP - Alt Control with AltMethod - Continuous now properly handle offsets.
  • DSPCTL - Intuitive Entry is improved when the left column field is a Key+Frequency.
  • COMMON - 'Demo Song' is now treated as a dependent of the program.
  • EditChain: INFO - exiting the chain editor after editing the Info now properly displays the Save Chain dialog.
  • EditProg: INFO and EditChain: INFO - after editing an entry, the corresponding entry now remains as currently displayed vs reverting to entry #1.
  • NEWLYR - now properly imports first layer of #999 Default Program.
  • EditSample: TRIM - if editing the end-point of a stereo sample forced the loop point to move, the loop-point of the other channel was not updating to match.
  • Improved K2-program conversion.
  • Improved K2-keymap conversion.
  • Boot up with 0 None Program allowed.
  • Program #167 - A volume issue was fixed when using Slider I.
  • Keymap #482 - Fixed volume problem on D#5.
  • Keymap #483 - Fixed a problem in where it was pointing to missing/wrong samples.
  • Program #780 - Fixed an Info problem.
  • Drum Programs #714-722 and #725 - Added/assigned demo songs.
  • Keymap #275 - Fixed tuning.
  • Fixed a problem with Reverse Sample Playback on unloop samples.
  • AUXFX - send level handling improved.
  • Transitioning from Song Mode to Program mode (with FX Mode: Performance) could interfere with calling up the correct FX on the current channel.
  • EditSong: COMMON - MIDI track destinations (MidiDst) are now respected in play and record modes. They work in addition to the MIDI Mode Xmit Destination.
  • Song #430 - Fixed end point.
  • New 'QACategory' button functions - the 16 category buttons can now act as either "Favorite QA bank selectors" -or- "MIDI State presets". The function is set using the new Master mode switch, "QACategory" (see Master mode notes below for details). QA Bank Favorites: QA Mode now offers the ability to save/recall your 16 favorite QA banks.
    From the QA main page, this operates by pressing and holding any one of the CATEGORY buttons for approx.. 2 seconds. Doing so sets the current QA bank to the category button pressed (a confirmation message is displayed). To then later recall a given favorite QA bank, simply press that same button again.
    MIDI States: QA Mode now offers the ability to save/recall 16 MIDI State user presets. What's a MIDI State? One MIDI state contains a "snapshot" of all MIDI CC #0-95 values across all 16 MIDI channels at a given moment in time.
    From the QA main page, this operates by pressing and holding any one of the CATEGORY buttons for approx.. 2 seconds. Doing so captures the current MIDI CC values at that moment (a confirmation message is displayed). To then recall those values at a later point, press that same button and all of the stored values will instantly be reapplied (NOTE: this only happens internally; these values will not be sent to the MIDI OUTs). MIDI state presets can be stored offline using STORAGE MODE - EXPORT - MIDIST; you can load an .MST file using regular LOAD procedures.
    What practical purpose does all this serve? Several 3rd-party soundware developers offer packages with programs/setups that are template-based, intended to help users create new sounds by modifying various parameters in real-time using traditional MIDI CCs and often doing so using not one but possibly multiple setups concurrently. From this arose the need for saving those tweaked sound "states" once created. This new feature provides an elegant way to store 16 "presets" and share them with other users of these products and in a very easy way.
  • Previously, when changing from a setup to a program while holding notes, there could be hung notes created in the MIDI OUT (now fixed).
  • STORE - better error handling storing samples.
  • LOAD - "(u)" was sometimes being erroneously displayed next to the last bank.
  • LOAD - Improved handling of object ID's when loading K2 files (using the load methods MERGE or OVERWRITE, the operation is actually carried out as APPEND.)
  • LOAD - Improved handling of object ID's when a Master Table is present in the source file and Bank Load methods of Overwrite, Merge and Append are used.
  • LOAD - increased speed loading samples that aren't contiguous in a file.
  • UTILS / DELETE - a soft-reset would occur if moving the scroll wheel while on the confirmation page.
  • Error message now displayed if a file-save was too large to fit on the designated storage device.
  • Export/Name - Chan Up/Dn buttons now working properly for keyboard naming.
  • "Deleting" confirmation messaging now displayed while deleting a file.
  • A "Nothing Was Loaded" message is now displayed when trying to load an unrecognized file.
  • The first time the user was trying to store using All Types, All Banks, the master table was not being stored even if it was a user object.
  • KPN export is no longer trashing memory.
  • XMIT - A warning message has been added notifying the user when attempts are made to change or edit the Control Setup (if the user agrees to any changes the warning is no longer displayed for the duration of the session - this pattern occurs with each power cycle). This has been added in an attempt to help avert unwanted changes to the ControlSetup (an advanced application).
  • XMIT - 'Destination' now allows a setting of NONE.
  • RECV - 'PrgChgMode: QAccess' was broken in 2.03 (It worked in 2.02). Working again.
  • CHANLS - program changes coming from Song mode are now respected when PrgLocks: On
  • CHANLS - when the Vol/Pan locks are 'On', changes to Vol/Pan no longer revert back to the last locked value.
  • MAIN - 'Display': new 'Large' option that engages a larger character read out in Program, Setup and QA play modes. Designed to improve screen visibility in complex lighting situations.
  • MAIN - 'QACategory': preference switch selects between two new uses for the category buttons in QA mode: Set to 'Favorite' each category button acts as a store/recall preset, allowing quick access to your favorite QA 16 banks.
    Set to 'MIDIState' each category button acts as a store/recall preset for the new MIDI State object. (see QA Mode notes above for details).
  • MAIN - 'Safe Mode': when ON, this disables all soft buttons in Program/Setup/QA Play pages preventing accidental changes mid-performance.
  • MAPS - New 'Intonation Map' added "18 EastMed" (East Mediterranean).
  • Bug changing the order of master EQ/comp fixed.
  • Edits in the Effects Mode are now properly saved with the Master Table.
  • Boot-up with 'noisy' continuous controllers (be it user interaction or faulty controller) could freeze the boot up process. Fixed.
  • Screenshot capture has been moved to the STOP button
  • Random boot up with unit pitched.
  • Memory corruption issues.
  • Keyboard Naming - C7 now moves cursor to the end of the name.
  • When powering up in GM mode, FX were dry.
  • Booting up on a MIDI channel different than 1, could cause the desktop editor to malfunction until the channel was changed.
  • KPN - Program Drum Remap now admits all the possible values (allowing Sound Tower proper editing)

Promijenjeno od baltik79 (18.03.2012 u 18:40 sati) Razlog: Automatski spojeni uzastopni postovi
baltik79 je offline   Reply With Quote


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