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BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:46

PA Instrukcije, za one koje znaju Engleski!
U ovom Topicu biti ce samo instrukcije na Engleski jezik, koje sam ja licno
pisao po raznim forumima i onda sam kolektirao da ih ovde stavim.
Topic ce biti LOCKED sa time sto cu samo ja imati pravo da postavim novi
Post sa novijom instrukcijom a da bi stime ovde sve ostalo jasno i citko da
se clanovi bolje snalaze.

Svako ko pita pitanje a odgovor postoji ovde ili u Srpskom delu instrukcija
dobice Crveni Karton koji onda utice na Baniranje u buducnosti!

Oni koji bi imali vremena, zeleli bi i znaju Engleski, moze da prevedjuju nekih
od sledecih tekstova i da se posle toga meni dostavi, da dodamo u Srpskom
delu instrukcija gde bi olaksali i nas posao kao Moderatori a i zivot korisnicima
ovim masinama, da se bude lakse doci do odgovora.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:47

RAM-ROM explanation:
ROM-READ ONLY MEMORY, its the internal storage of FACTORY SOUNDS and it matters a lot,
if its bigger you get better sounds. RAM-RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY, its the internal storage
dedicated to SAMPLES and SAMPLING, it is erased when shuting off the synth and when you
turn it back on you have to reload. The only exception in here is the PA800 which when you
turn it off and then turn it back on the RAM is still inside kept in FLASH which means you dont
need to reload. What the situation with the PA2XPRO will be we dont know yet. And no, samples
are not loaded during the boot process, thats only if the option AUTOLOAD is checked in the
preferences, when PA800 starts if that option is checked it LOADS them but in 90 seconds,
on the PA1X you have to wait 9/10 min before it starts.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:47

Importing TRITON PCGs and KMP files:
Go to SOUND MODE then go to SAMPLING MODE by HITTING RECORD, after that on the drop
down MENU find IMPORT, after that find the file you want and IMPORT single PCG or whole
BANKS. Same way you can import KMPS.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:47

Different STS on different VAR:
To have a different STS in every varitaion i mean by changing the VAR so that the STS will change
automatically it is only one single process. Save the STSs from one to 4 the same as the variations,
1-4 i mean if you need STS1 in VAR1 has to be saved in STS1 then 2 in 2 and so on. The SINGLE
TOUCH button on the left: If its solid LIGHT means it will change STS when changing style, no LIGHT
it wont change STS while changing styles and there is one more thing: When its SOLID LIGHT, if you
press it onlyone time you will get a BLINKING LIGHT, if you leave it like that thats when you get the
styleto change STSs by VARIATIONs.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:47

Controlling FX:
In STYLE PLAY hit MENU then choose MIXER/TUNING, on the bottom of the display click SEND FX
and in there you have the parameters for both SENDS. If you hit the TRACK SELLECT button youcan
switch between STYLE TRACKS or ACC TRACKS to adjust individually.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:47

Go to SOUND MODE and hit RECORD, in there you have another 3 different MODES which are SAMPLE,

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:48

Importing WAVE FILE:
Go to sampling MODE, if its a DRUM SAMPLE as a SINGLE HIT sta in SAMPLE MODE or the first
page, click ARROW, click LOAD and locate SAMPLE, after LOADING you have to click ARROW,
click SAVE and this is very important if its a DRUM SAMPLE, there is a category, select the
PROPPER CATEGORY for the DRUM as it is important for later on and there you have BD, SD,
something you go to TIME SLICE by hiting MENU.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:48

Gutar Mode:
Go to STYLE RECORD MODE by clicking the RECORD in STYLE PLAY MODE, once in there click
Trigger Mode leave it as RP. Go back to MAIN PAGE and on the BOTTOM sellect the track you
just played with and CHOOSE a GUITAR SOUND for that track, after that sellect the GUITAR
MODE on the bottom which is not grayed out anymore, there there is settings which you will
explore later on but for now you are ready to record. Anything you play on the GUITAR track
gets recorded and gets transposed properly when playing the style.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:48

Loading individial files:
MODE, sellect the DEVICE you have, locate the SET that you want to LOAD from then click OPEN
instead of LOAD, after that sellect the FOLDER from what you wanna LOAD, sellect the file, click
LOAD and then choose a LOCATION...VOILA!

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:48

Creating Goove files from WAVE files:
Go to SOUND MODE, click RECORD and you are in SAMPLING MODE. After that click MENU and
select TIME SLICE, once in there on the dropdown MENU hit LOAD and locate the WAVE FILE
you need. After LOADing nothing happens yet if you press a key, in TIME SLICE MODE Adjust
the MEASURES PARAMETER to how many MEASURES the FILE is and after that hit SLICE. Hit
the dropdown again and hit SAVE, sellect a location which has to be one of the USER BANKS
and save it. Get out of SAMPLING by hitting RECORD again and go to STYLE MODE. In there
hit RECORD, choose NEW or CURRENT STYLE and once in there hit MENU and sellect IMPORT,
it brings you straight to GROOVE. In there you already see the available GROOVES, choose the
one you like and under that choose to which STYLE ELEMENT it goes and EXECUTE.
This will only work before the synth has been SHUT DOWN after saving the LOOP in SAMPLING
MODE since TIME SLICE info wont stay there if not used in any STYLE, all the LOOPS after that
will only be regular PCGs!!!

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:49

Copying FX:
Go to Menu, click FX, choose the effect you wanna copy, then go to the ARROW on top and click
COPY, after that, go to WHEREVER you wanna paste the effect, choose the desired loaction of
A,B,C,D and then go on ARROW again and click PASTE...DONE!

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:49

A tip about FX:
When trying to get more then 2 FX per SOUND its easy to achieve that depending on the FX you
want. On the PA800 after the 80eth or 90eth effect there is a bundle of COMBINATION effects
like Compressor, Faser, or Phlanger or Distortion and WAH WAH and else FX in COMBINATION
with a REVERB or DELAY thuswill give you in certain cases even 4 FULL FX a single SOUND or
PERFORMANCE. The COMBINATION FX have FULL editors meaning that in the editor of both FX
both FX are treated separetrly with all of the parameters as a single effect available, ROUTING
and also a separate AMOUNT/WET/DRY parameter.

BasariStudios 10.04.2008 22:49

Combining Sets:
Step 1:
1. Open SET 1, check it out and find out what you want, write down each style, each perf and sound.
2. For each style write down which DRUM KIT and which USER SOUND it uses and that means on
what track in the style it is,on what location in the User bank it is.
3. For each performance write down which User Sound the performance uses.
4. Do exactly the same with SET 2.
Step 2:
1. Go to Sound Mode then hit record and enter SAMPLING. Click the arrow and choose DELETE.
Delete all samples, multisamples and user drum kits, in Sampling Info check for everything to be 0.
2. Go to MEDIA MODE and go to ERASE, on the POP UP menu choose USER SSD and in there in
each folder delete everything.Start with Performances, then Pads, then Sounds, then User Drum Kits.
3. Start LOADing ONLY the Styles that you wrote down, one by one in one bank or whatever.
4. Start LOADing ONLY the Performances you wrote down, same as Styles.
5. Start LOADing the USER DRUM KITS as you wrote them down, one by one, they will LOAD their
own samples, you dont haveto do anything in sampling mode, just keep loading one by one.
6. Do the same with USER SOUND...exactly the same as LOADing the USER STYLES.
Step 3:
1. Open the BOOK that you wrote:
2. Go to Style Mode then choose the first style then hit RECORD then you are in Style Record Mode
and in there hit MENU and choose Style Elements.
3. In here start to assign each DrumKit to its place and also each User Sounds that was used in that
style. Do that for eachStyle Element, in here if you press VAR or any other element the programs will
change, you have to check for each VAR,FILL, INTRO.
4. After you do that and it sounds ok to you press the ARROW on top and hit SAVE, SAVE that style.
Hit Record again and get out of there...you have to do that for each style.
5. Sellect each Performance and in the 3 Upper tracks start assigning the User Sounds they use.
6. Choose Media, go to Save, choose ALL, NEW SET, rename it, hit OK, check ALL of the BOXes and SAVE!

Trenutno vrijeme na Forumu 11:48

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